Project 1 Blog
Artist Statement:
​For this project we were told to create a person, group, or political machine to address a real world societal problem. I decided to explore the “Save The Bees” movement because it is a major issue that is commonly overlooked in todays society. The goal for this project was to visually communicate criticisms, celebrations, questions, or suggestions around our theme by creating a series of glitch art. The glitch art was made up of 16 stills, five gifs, and one short datamosh video. To create the 16 stills I used a combination of Photoshop glitching, text edit glitching, and pixel sorting techniques. The photos that I decided to glitch were very intentional. I chose a variety of pretty pictures of bees pollinating, news articles, harmful pollutants that are a main cause for the decline in the bee population, and our agriculture slowly withering and dying as a result of the decline in the bee population. I had The same intention while creating the gifs. The gifts of bees were meant to imply a decrease in the bee population through glitching along with the complications and toxicity that comes with polluting our agriculture and air. Next, the data mash video that I created was a comedic spin on Nicki Minaj’s “Beez in the Trap“ song/music video. The purpose of this is to create a wider range of audience for my Twitter account that I created to publicly display my concerns for this huge societal problem. Lastly, the final part of this project was to give this an actual voice in the real world by making a Twitter account to post the images on and a Twitter bought so we can continue to tweet on the topic long after this project is completed. My idea for my Twitter account is The idea that a B has social media and who is tweeting what is happening in their life and their daily experiences. Like I said before, I took a more comedic spin by including Nicki Minaj‘s “Beez in the Trap” song to create a slogan/movement that is familiar and recognizable for viewers of the account. The idea behind a using Nikki’s song is to stop “trapping” aka killing bees by using harsh chemicals and pollutants in the air and on agriculture/plants.



Datamosh Video
Twitter + Twitter Bot Code
"origin" : ["#verb# in #name#'s Beez Trap", "#pesticide# is harmful for me. Please Do Not Use", "#bz# I like to fly", "I am trying to pollinate for my #queenb#", "Search Save The Bees on Google. There should be #number# articles", "I like #honey#", "plant more pollinator-friendly #plants#", "stop the use of bee-killing #pesticide# in nature", "beez should be #safe#", "promote sustainable, less #pesticide# - reliant agriculture"],
"verb" : ["Caught", "Slipped", "Smelled", "Stole", "Stunk", "Survived", "Tiptoed", "Swept", "Washed", "Approached", "Escaped", "Jumped on", "Melted"],
"name" : ["Nicki", "Monica", "Bart", "Molly", "Caroline", "Nathan", "Katarina", "Anthony", "Max", "Jack", "Rita", "Phillis", "John", "Bob", "Robert", "Iona", "Cameron"],
"pesticide" : ["Azoxystrobin", "Boscalid", "Carbendazim", "Chlorothalonil", "Cyprodinil", "Dicloran", "Fenbuconazole", "Fludioxonil", "Metalaxyl", "Myclobutanil", "Pyraclostrobin", "Tebuconazole", "Thiabendazole", "Trifloxystrobin", "THPI", "Vinclozolin"],
"bz" : ["Bz", "Bzz", "Bzzz", "Bzzzz", "Bzzzzz", "Bzzzzzz", "Bzzzzzzz", "Bzzzzzzzz", "Bzzzzzzzzz", "Bzzzzzzzzzz", "Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz", "Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"],
"queenb" : ["Queen Bee", "QUeen Bee", "QUEen Bee", "QUEEn Bee", "QUEEN Bee", "QUEEN BEe", "QUEEN BEE", "qUeEn bEe", "QuEeN BeE"],
"number" : ["1 million", "2 million", "3 million", "4 million", "5 million", "6 million", "7 million", "8 million", "9 million", "10 million", "11 million", "12 million", "13 million", "14 million", "15 million", "16 million", "17 million", "18 million", "19 million", "20 million"],
"honey" : ["honey", "honeyy", "honeyyy", "honeyyyyy", "honeyyyyyyyy", "honeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy", "honeiiii", "honeiiiiiiii", "honeiiiiiiiiiiiii", "honeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii", "honeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"],
"plants" : ["plants", "flowers", "grass", "herbs", "seeds", "shrubs", "trees", "vines", "weeds", "bushes", "greenery", "sprouts"],
"safe" : ["safe", "protected", "secure", "snug", "cherished", "free from danger", "guarded", "out of danger", "preserved", "safe and sound", "sheltered", "shielded", "unharmed"]