Reading Blog #1
I couldn’t help but notice the date this article was published: September 3, 2014. In 2014 the digital art world really started to flourish, and after reading this article it is clear that Tumblr and GIFs were probably the most popular platform and way of expression at that time. This article touches on a subject that was beyond typical knowledge in 2014, especially Michael Green who had the original idea to create and sell his GIF / Digital Art. Michael Green’s description of his work explains how the digital world is flourishing and new artists are going to use the new tools available for them to start creating digital art. He mentions how this form of artwork is going to be a part of our culture and new innovators and artists will be taking on and popularizing this new medium. In many ways he was right. I mean look at how much Digital Art is worth now especially since NFTs have skyrocketed. I am assuming that since his work did not sell, not many people believed him or the audience he was trying to attract were too classical to appreciate a new medium and his unique way of thinking. He also compares Tumblr (social media) to a museum, which I am sure turned off many traditional people who are not willing to progress with the younger generations. If Michael Green were to make and sell his digital art now, I am sure he would be able to sell it for much more than $5,800.