The main objective of this piece is to explore the exquisite corpse technique to create a mythical
creature in photoshop. Exquisite corpse is a technique known for assembling words or images in
solely based on following a specific rule or building off the end of what the previous person
contributed. I picked at random a parrot, goldfish, and a shark as my three different animals to
combine in the making of my mythical creature. This piece is done in Adobe Photoshop and used
many different techniques to combine these animals. I started by collecting high quality images
to work with, paying attention to the image size and resolution. I then converted these images
onto the Adobe Photoshop program. I began by layering all the images on top of each other,
lowering the opacity of the images, and moving them in positions that I think would fit to create
my mythical creature. I decided to create a shark-like creature but instead with a parrot head,
parrot wings, and goldfish fins, keeping the main body shape of the shark. I used the Magnetic
Lasso tool to cut the parrot head, parrot wings, and goldfish fins, then feathered each cut to that
the lines were not so defined and then moved them onto the main original shark image. I then
used the Clone Stamp tool to “remove” the sharks head and fins; this tool “erases” what you
want by copying the background onto that specific part of the object. Next, I assembled the
parrot head / wings and goldfish fins onto the shark how I saw best fit. Then, by using the
smudge tool I smudged the cut objects with the background and with the shark body to portray a
more realistic image. Lastly, I used the Clone Stamp tool again in attempts to combine the
textures of all three animals in a cohesive manner. My goal in making the mythical creature is
that nothing looks obviously fake. This mythical creature represents the excitement of the unknown,
whether that is in the ocean or my sporadic artist style.